Fellowship & Care

If there is anything that sets our church apart it is the sheer delight we take in being together and caring for one another. It is a rare week in which there are not several opportunities to eat together or join together in a planned activity. We have numerous groups such as the 55+ Plus Group, the Men’s Club, the Faithful Fun Foodies, the Book Group, and the Bible Study group.
The Presbyterian Women are an essential part of the ministry and mission of our church. Long active, they meet monthly from Fall through the Spring for Bible Study. In addition to fellowship and study gatherings, they have monthly service projects, which include working with local food pantries, hospices, ministries to the homeless and many other organizations. In addition to monthly gatherings, there are numerous special outings and events as well for all to join in. And while we love to get together to eat, play, and learn together, we also gather around to support those of us who are sick, who are lonely, or who are just in need of a friend.

“For any visitor to know – if you choose to join us, you will be welcomed and cared for and included.” – BB

“Someone from our church is always there when you need someone to pray for you or to help you in so many ways.” – DF